Plane View Services

Plane View Services was first established by Brian Mulligan, the developer of the Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy in 1984. The company was created to sell Brian’s textbooks on his concept “Manual Therapy NAGS, SNAGS PRP’s etc” and “Self treatments for back, neck and limbs.” Plane View got its name from the view of airplanes leaving Wellington Airport from Brian’s office window. Brian also thought the name was appropriate as his techniques dealt with joint planes. “Manual Therapy NAGS, SNAGS PRP’s etc” is now in its revised 7th edition and includes Brian’s latest C0/1, C1/2, C2/3 technique for the upper cervical spine restrictions and headaches.
In early 2019 Brian sold the rights to publish his books to Jillian McDowell, a fellow Mulligan Concept teacher, and Plane View Services 2019 Ltd (PVS) was established. PVS now operates out of Invercargill, New Zealand. PVS aims to continue to provide Brian’s seminal works to physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and orthopaedic doctors, both nationally and internationally, into the future.
The new revised 7th edition textbook Manual Therapy NAGs, SNAGs, PRPs etc.
As the primary textbook recognised by the Mulligan Concept Teachers Association, it is designed to be used along-side training courses on Mulligan Concept Upper Quarter (cervical thoracic and upper limb), Lower Quarter (lumbar spine and lower limb) and Advanced (PRPs and advanced techniques) courses. Written with Brian’s own colloquial style, the recently revised 7th edition is easy to read (and often humorous), and is a key reference for any manual therapist working clinically today.
What has changed in the new revised 7th edition?
- Techniques have been reinstated from the 6th edition:
- C1/2 rotation SNAG
- Talocrural MWMs for dorsiflexion
- Plantarflexion MWM
- Alternate knee flexion MWM using an AP on the tibia
- Forearm traction
- New text on
- Rescue manoeuvres for the upper cervical spine
- 1st toe taping
- Olecranon MWMs
- Updated references in APA format
- Correction of labelling of olecranon technique and various small typos
- Improved heading hierarchy and indexing
The new 4th edition of the self treatment book Self treatments for back neck and limbs: the Mulligan Concept Approach
This book is designed for the layperson to be able to safely apply their own mobilisations with movement and pain release phenomenon, self tape and know when to seek extra help. It may also be bought in bulk for physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths to sell to their patients in their practices.
What has changed in the new 4th edition?
- Updated language on medical concepts for the layperson with easy to follow instructions. Brian’s best quips and stories are now highlighted to enhance the instructional text.
- All new photographs of techniques
- All new photographs of tapings
- Red flag section
- Emphasis on general well being and health related to exercise and movement throughout
- New home exercises for the hip and sacroiliac joint
- Current theory for the layperson on
- tendon loading
- posture
- safe lifting

Jillian McDowell and Brian Mulligan
Stock for sale

Mulligan BR. Manual therapy NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS etc. 7th Edition (revised). Wellington, NZ: Plane View Services Ltd; 2021. Language: English
Available by emailing jill@planeview

McDowell, J., Mitchell, T. and Mulligan B. Self treatment for back, neck and limbs.: the Mulligan Concept. 4th Edition. Invercargill, NZ: Plane View Services Ltd; 2022. Language English
Available by emailing
or over the counter at Prohealth Physiotherapy and Windsor Stationery Invercargill
or from Trademe NZ

Mulligan BR. Manual therapy NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS etc. 7th Edition. 2021. Language: Chinese
Available from

Mulligan BR. Manual therapy NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS etc. 7th Edition. Tokyo, Japan. Kyodo Isho Shuppan Ltd. Language: Japanese
Available from
Interested in placing an order?
For all enquires and additional help please contact Jillian at Quotes and shipping rate estimates available on request.
Equipment for sale

Thoracolumbar snaggers $40 (incl gst) each

Cervical snaggers $35 (incl gst) each

Treatment belts $40 (incl gst) each

Silicon contact pads – pack of five (three small and two large) $45 (incl gst) each
Interested in placing an order?
Equipment is for sale in New Zealand/Australia only. Additional postage fees will apply.
Bulk purchase discounts available.
Please contact Jillian at
The Mulligan Concept

The Mulligan Concept of Mobilisation with Movement (MWM) is a unique manual therapy treatment approach combining mobilisation with active movement or function. Fundamentally a patient’s pain, restriction or functional loss is eliminated when appropriate mobilisation forces are applied during movement.
First developed by Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T., in Wellington, New Zealand, this simple yet effective manual approach has been taught since 1984.
The Mulligan Concept Teachers Association (MCTA) was established to provide excellence in Mulligan Concept training. The MCTA now promotes the concept and it has 50 accredited teachers available to run courses for physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and orthopaedic doctors internationally.
Principles of Mulligan Concept
Initially trained by Kaltenborn, Brian Mulligan took traditionally sustained translations and added patient generated active movement to achieve pain free movement and function. Brian Mulligan’s concept of mobilizations with movement (MWMS) in the extremities and sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGS) in the spine were revolutionary due to this concurrent application of both therapist applied forces and patient generated movement.
With the concept rule of “pain free, instant and long lasting” underpinning all clinical reasoning, no other form of manual therapy offers real time decision making and safety. The paradigm is patient centred and patient controlled and has an extensive body of self-treatment options.
As Brian Mulligan has said: “There is no other concept in the field of manual therapy, that is applicable to the entire musculoskeletal system and that when indicated gives you an instant pain free result. There is no other concept in the field of manual therapy that only requires 2 to 3 minutes to establish if it is indicated. A bonus is that when indicated it is diagnostically significant.”
A building body of evidence is now proving the efficacy for this approach for musculoskeletal conditions.
If you are interested in the Mulligan Concept please visit our International MCTA website
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Research on Mulligan Concept
About Jillian McDowell

Jillian McDowell
MNZSP, Dip. Phys., Reg. Physio Acup., Post Grad. Cert. Sports Med., Dip. M.T., Cred. M.D.T., Cred. Mulligan Concept, MNZCP (Acupuncture), MNZCP (Manipulation), MPhty, MCTA
Jillian is a New Zealand physiotherapist with over 30 years of physiotherapy experience. As a co-director of a private physiotherapy practice she works primarily as a clinician, in addition to her teaching roles. She has taught acupuncture for 26 years in New Zealand more latterly Mulligan Concept, both nationally and internationally, for 12 years. Previously tagged for both Manipulative Therapy and Acupuncture by the NZ College of Physiotherapy, she completed a master’s degree in Physiotherapy in 2007. She is the current Research Officer on the executive of the Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association of New Zealand. Jill is also the current International Chair of the MCTA. She has 9 publications and has contributed to two editions of Mulligan Concept techniques textbook, including the annotation section. Her areas of interest are adverse reactions, western acupuncture neurophysiological clinical reasoning, and treatment of the sacroiliac joint/pelvis and headaches.
A list Jillian’s publications can be found here.
If you are interested in booking Jillian for Mulligan Concept teaching, please email
If you would like to join one of Jillian’s courses her upcoming events are listed on the website under the New Zealand flag.
Diploma of Physiotherapy Diploma of Manipulative Physiotherapy Register of Physiotherapy Acupuncturists Postgraduate Certificate of Sports Medicine (Otago) Credentialed Therapist, McKenzie Institute Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy Tagged Member of New Zealand College of Physiotherapy (Manipulation) Accredited Sports Medicine New Zealand – Physical Conditioning Level 1 Tagged Member of New Zealand College of Physiotherapy (Acupuncture) Masters of Physiotherapy Otago (with Distinction) Accredited Mulligan Concept Teacher (MCTA)
Professional Memberships:
Physiotherapy New Zealand
Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association of
New Zealand
New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapists Association
PNZ Occupational Health Group
Other Positions Held:
Accredited Mulligan Concept Teacher and International Chair of Mulligan Concept Teachers Association Research Officer, Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association of New Zealand
Tutor for Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association of New Zealand
Independent Advisor to the Health and Disability Commissioner of New Zealand
Auditor Physiotherapy New Zealand